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We offer the most powerful all-in-one solution to create your own secured embedded voice assistant.

We are mainly based at 7-9 Bd Solidarité, 57070 Metz, France but you can find us anywhere in Europe…

Vivoka’s team is able to speak with you in French, English, Dutch, German, Spanish and Italian.
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Use Cases
Explore what they created with our technologies
VDK helps companies around the world to create amazing features for their solutions.
Innovations made real with our solutions are described into detailed use cases for you to get inspiration from.
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We love to give our thoughts on specific topics regarding voice.
Our role in this field is to educate and promote the adoption of our technologies.
Meet the people we are collaborating with
We are proud to have a strong network of partners in VoiceTech.
These relationships are helping Vivoka to promote its technologies and improve their capabilities.
It's always the right time to learn more about voice technologies and their applications
When Order Fulfillment Challenges meet Customer Experience
The logistics industry operates in hectic and ever-changing environments in which managing order fulfillment processes effectively is decisive in maintaining a strong relationship with the customer....

Four Ways Technology Helps You Overcome the Labor Shortage in Logistics, TMS, and WMS

Voice AI: The new backbone of Supply Chain problems solving

Wake Words for your industry: why they matter for field services

Voice Biometrics: Why is it relevant for your business?