by Aurélien Chapuzet | 15/Oct/2021 | Press Releases
For its latest release, Vuzix’s widely renown Smart Glasses take a step ahead in human-machine interactions by bringing in the offline and multilingual Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) provided by Vivoka’s Voice Development Kit. The Voice Development Kit is...
by Aurélien Chapuzet | 29/Sep/2021 | Press Releases
Vivoka expands their range of embedded voice technologies on their latest Voice Development Kit with the integration of Sensory’s TrulySecure Voice & TrulyNatural Companies desire dynamic embedded voice recognition capabilities beyond the cloud-tethered...
by Aurélien Chapuzet | 10/Sep/2021 | Discover, Featured, Speech Recognition
Embedded voice technology, or at least the term embed, may be familiar to you. Where the tech world touts connectivity for its many benefits, voice technologies that run on-device, without server calls, are also popular for many reasons. In this article, we break down...
by Aurélien Chapuzet | 20/Jul/2021 | Press Releases
Multispeech, a joint Inria – Loria research team, and Vivoka (a Metz-based start-up specialising in the design of voice solutions) are joining forces to revolutionise embedded voice interfaces, in other words, voice assistants without an Internet connection....
by Aurélien Chapuzet | 19/Feb/2021 | Adopt, Speech Recognition
Where do you stand regarding voice technology? Connected speakers, VoiceBot or voice assistants are becoming more and more present into the economic landscape, becoming almost tried and tested products. Voice has many advantages for both the individual and the...